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As Part of recording the latest album "Whispers Of Woe" (due out December 15th 2023) was creating as many songs as we could with varying feels to truly explore the band's sound. Some of the songs from the recording sessions didn't make the album/journey but were no lesser songs, just didn't fit the overall offering

We are delighted to be able to offer one of these tracks "Weight Of The World" for FREE as an exclusive download to anyone who signs up on our website on our homepage or contact. We will then send you all the info about the track and the link to stream or download it as a thanks from us for your support

As mentioned the song is not on the album and won't be released generally as we decided to keep it reserved for special purposes. We're extremely proud of this track too and hope you enjoy it and we'd love to hear what you think

Lots of love, thanks for staying with us on this journey, TSC x


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