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Happy Tuesday one and all! WE hope it finds you well?!

We thought to write an update on our neglected blog to tie together the last few months of work and plans for the coming


We have a new single out next month on Friday April the 13th and it’s called “ALONG THE WAY”. It’s the second the song we have released off our forthcoming album due in August – “HOPELESSNESS OF PEOPLE”.

We have a launch show for the single with a host of incredible acts in THE MONARCH in CAMDEN on April 4th :

Win 2 tickets to single launch and back catalogue : For a chance to win all you have to do is help to spread the word by liking or sharing this post and we will announce the winner on April 2nd :

BIG SURPRISE As some may know, I have been looking to recruit a drummer in Ireland to make the band more versatile ,eating we can play more shows in the UK And ireland unencumbered by real life commitments (as all drummers in my life seem to be :)).. As a drummer myself and knowing this act inside out now as a duo, it feels appropriate to try this

We have a surprise on the 4th for everyone, so if you’re about do get down to the show and all will be revealed for better or worse


We really enjoyed releasing our first song off the album, we feel it set a good tone for us and is a fat reflection of the honesty and quality on the album. We managed to get into HOTPRESS as we mentioned in a previous post and featured on The Planet Rock show. We have high hopes for the new track and looking forward to sharing it with the world

Don’t know us?

Type our name into any search on social or engine and you’ll find us


-Last EP featured on both KERRANG! RADIO and Planet rock radio

-Camden rocks 2017

Most recent single featured in HOTPRESS and Planet rock radio

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