As ever it would be boring to have no news, it may be nice at times to wake up to groundhog day, but such things do not and have never existed in The Survival Code world.
We have spent the last two months mired in replanning the very much planned and picking apart what seemed months ago to be the best course of action and hoping to find a new set of tracks asap
Enough of the waffles!!! This isn’t breakfast!!!! (It arguably is as it’s 9:44am), but YOU SHOULD HAVE EATEN ALREADY 🙂
As a band we’re always upfront and honest and after the first single came out from the new album I was a little concerned that our team we had put together were not feeling right. We had decided before the album as we mentioned in a previous post that I would direct and edit the videos for this release (Risky ay?! seen as I’ve no experience in camera or film :)) meaning we had more budget for promotion and marketing. Unlike the past we ended up going with one company for both radio and media. The sum of money we handed over was very substantial for us and we had very high expectations as we thought this could be the moment and or way we may make some progress. From the past I learned everything needs to be written down in this industry. When negotiating the contract I was sure to include key points I had needed and expected as part of the package. By the end of the release of the second single and it was nearly time to renew I was concerned some of the points hadn’t even been addressed and when I discussed them with the team they were not aware of their existence…. And we had no plan B and very little time
What we usually do in such circumstances was turn to the internet, search “PR” and various things. Thankfully in recent past we can also reach out to some other bands and local music facebook pages have become invaluable to us
To cut a long story short with too much belly aching, I have managed to organise PR and plugging in the UK and Pr in ireland – which was the hardest as we’re essentially unknown
We are delighted to be working with SAN PR for all things media/print and online in UK, PLUGGIN BABY for all things radio in UK and GOOD SEED PR in Ireland
SAN PR released a picture of our album cover the other day as part of an announcement so we thought we should do the same here.
Delighted to reveal in case you haven’t seen, our album cover to the upcoming album “Hopelessness of People”. Rather randomly I designed it in an effort to find some contrast and have some colour rather than our moodier and consistent Black and White. We had been looking for a design for some time that had a mesmerising look to it when you stared at it for too long, it’s also in contrast to much of our energy and lyrically content. It also meant we changed our logo into the same colours, so if nothing else we will help you lose your eye sight 😀
We have a show in Dublin this Thursday in the Workman’s with Darren. Doors are 7:30pm, be sure to get down if you can, I know the world cup is on but we only play once a month :D!