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Chapter 1: Deceit : Black Radar Management


Good Afternoon world! it’s been far too long since our last update. I will give more an intro and reason as to why in the next post immediately following this one for the intention is to keep this post very brief and specific to one point.

Unfortunately we were let down by one of our key team members this year, a guy called “James Black” of black Radar Management. We met him online through Facebook forums on bands in the UK. James was hired to be our manager and to help us re-launch MMXV for the single push this year (2016) and to plan for an album release towards the end of the year Aug/Sept.

As it stands, James has disappeared without producing a single result. He also took a bit of money off us on a “consultancy” basis for the first few months we worked together (before we could clearly see he wasn’t producing anything) and then agreed to cease paying him until he produced something – after which we’d chat further.

He liquidated his company “Black Radar Management Ltd” at the end of March and is being sued by other artists I have since come across – but everyone is looking for his address. The link to a Facebook page created by one of the aggrieved is at the bottom of the update.

Companies house have a temp office for him and as it stands he doesn’t exist and is a deceitful, dishonest asshole. If anyone knows him or where he lives, please let us know for we too want to sue him for ruining our whole year.

Back story: 

Initially and rather suspiciously he had a big sale when we conversed in email and we were quite unsure. However, having looked around and asked our label we consult with and the forums we mentioned initially , they saw no reason not to.

Immediately after we started working with James I noticed he seemed offline quite a bit. It seemed he was acting the opposite to what he described of himself and acting very similar to others that let us down – and that I spent a great deal of time explaining to him we couldn’t deal with again… before we worked together.

The work we discussed him doing wasn’t apparent and after two weeks we began to express concerns. James only focused on festivals booking for some unknown reason even though we hired him as a manager to look after a host of things. Despite discussing this with in on more than one occasion, he always had the come back of experience in the industry, so to a degree there was a mute point and we allowed him to continue with what he knew. The fabled industry contacts seemed less apparent as each week passed and the few stories of success seemed more like one offs.

From a logical stand point it made sense to have festivals confirmed and from there to base the releases etc for the year.

Since he has liquidated his email and related numbers don’t work (without warning, notice or any concern for us), he was still officially working for us up to the moment he disappeared.

Things promised and never delivered:

-exposure in print/online for promotion of 3 singles off first album

-festival booking

-producer selection

-year planning


This has de-ralied us this year but we have an altered plan that we’ll discuss on our next post. Until then, let’s keep our eyes peeled for more dishonest vulture pricks like this who are all too happy to take your money for absolutely nothing. Spread the word people, he i bound to re-morf in the short/medium term and we can’t allow anyone else to waste money.

Facebook Page dedicated to bringing down Black Radar Management : 

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