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It has been an incredible few weeks building up to the release and we’re very conscious of overkill(hence we haven’t been going mad on the blog as everywhere else)…even though I know we said we’d get better….but this time there’s a reason.

Since we last updated, the single has been released and is ticking over quite nicely (albeit we could really do with some exposure on radio and tv to help with momentum). 

This is one of the many “catch 22’s” we are facing (and as most bands looking to soar from a starting position as we are, you have to get thinking about how to get around these issues). 

We have two gigs under the belt, one in the o2 islington and the other was in Barfly, they were both great shows and thanks again for everyone who came out! We are learning exponentially and look forward to delivering a BELTER on the 19th of DEC. 

The team is still growing and heads are being bashed together to try to ensure we get a few decent slots/tours (unlikely before March/APr) and supporting our existing and upcoming singles. 

Xmas coming means that we do have a little more time to focus on expanding our set and we popped out a promo Xmas video last week which did very well on the numbers front – which we’re delighted with.

As ever there is more to do than time to do it, so we’ll get back to the mill of it, MMXV is only around the corner! TSC

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